See you soon.

In-Person Visits

Our clinic will begin to allow in-person sessions to resume, with restrictions, starting on Monday, June 15th, subject to public health data that will continue to guide to our decisions. If your psychotherapist or psychiatrist believes you are a candidate for in-person treatment, he or she will ask you to read and sign our informed consent document. If you believe you are a candidate, you may discuss that with your treating professional. You can find a copy of that document below.

The document must be signed and returned to the clinic before an in-person session will be scheduled.

If you do not agree to the procedures in our informed consent, you may still receive treatment by telephone or video conference. But you may not receive in-person treatment unless you agree to and fully comply with the procedures outlined in the document. If you do not fully comply with the procedures, you will be required to receive only telephone or video conference treatment.

If you sign the informed consent but later chose to return to treatment by telephone or video conference you may do so. If you or your psychotherapist or psychiatrist believe that you are not a candidate for in-person treatment because you have a higher risk for serious consequences from COVID-19, you may still receive treatment via telephone or video conference.

Currently, all major insurers are covering the cost of medically necessary telephone or video conference treatment for behavioral health. If this coverage changes, we will make every attempt to notify you as soon as we are notified.

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